at the Final Performance of 2009 English Drama Festival
on Saturday, 16 May 2009
Chairmanˇ¦s speech
at the Final Performance of 2009 English Drama Festival Organised by
The Association of English Medium Secondary Schools
on Saturday, 16 May 2009
Speech by Mr Raymond H C Wong, JP
Permanent Secretary for Education
at the Final Performance of 2009 English Drama Festival Organised by
The Association of English Medium Secondary Schools
on Saturday, 16 May 2009
Photos (22 April 2009 - 29 April 2009)

Session 1 album / download
Session 2 album / download
Session 3 album / download
Session 4 album / download
Session 5 album / download
Session 6 album / download
Session 7 album / download

Rundown for 16 May 2009 download
Adjudicators & Bios (finalized) download
Confirmed Seating (6 April 2009) download
Programme amended on (2 March 2009) download
Namelists for Drama Workshops download
Letter to EMI schools (9 Feb 2009) download
Entry Form download
HKAS Drama Workshops (Jan 2009) download
Drama Workshop Enrolment Form download
Drama Fest Fact Sheet download