2007 ENGLISH DRAMA FEST (28 April)
at Shau Kei Wan GSS

HK Chinese Women's Club College 'The Wizard of Hong Kong'
PLK Tang Yuk Tien College 'A Twisted Cinderella'
Tsuen Wan GSS 'Queen of the Class'
King's College 'The Affair'
St. Clare's Girls' School 'Titania's Revenge'
Adjudicators (from L to R) Dr David Jiang, Ms. Carolyn Glcok and Ms Queenie Mui
MC and adjudicators (L to R) Miss Olivia Yeung, Ms carolyn Glock, Ms Queenie Mui, Dr David Jiang

Adjudicators and principal of Shau Kei Wan GSS

Ms. Carolyn Glock, Ms Queenie Mui, Mrs Liliana Kung, Dr David Jiang


Tsuen Wan GSS with principal Mr. Yiu Sai Ming and teachers
St Stephen's Girls' College 'Pyramus and Thisbe'
HKSYCIA Wong Tai Shan memorial College 'But It's No Use to Me'
Shau Kei Wan GSS 'The Roly Rice Balls'

Belilios Public School 'hot Gossip'
St. Mark's School 'Emperor Qin's Elixir of Life'
Shau Kei Wan GSS with adjudicators, teachers and principal.
Download all photos http://www.sgss.edu.hk/image/EngDramaFest.zip